Fluctuations are typical when it comes to the digital tokens marketplace. Sometimes you’ll see influential investors ranting about grabbing up as much crypto as you can while the markets are low. Other times, you’ll see them speaking about why you should diversify your investments into other sources like NFTs. Enter, Living Lands NFT (but we’ll get into them in a little bit)
It’s important to understand – all-digital assets are volatile, so you never really know what will happen to the market at any given time.
Apart from this, many potential investors shy away from investing in crypto assets because of government regulations. Many popular cryptocurrency platforms have been shut down in many countries because of government regulations. They have caused these investors to lose out on their assets and opportunities for more income.
Why market crashes happen:
The reasons behind crypto crashes and fluctuations can be caused by many different factors such as inflation, interest rates, or other macroeconomic factors that impact how people feel about investing their hard-earned money in digital assets.
Hence, if interest rates are on the rise, potential investors will have a better sleep knowing that they put their money in a place where they can at least somehow predict the amount they will get in return, so it’s like a safeguard for their investments.
A new journey in the NFT world is the platform’s real estate opportunities. Living Lands NFT is one such project that aims to offer tokens to investors with maximum security and a decent annual percentage yield.
Are NFTs a better option?
Unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, non-fungible tokens cannot be interchanged since each one is unique. Because of this feature, NFTs are coming up as one of the most secure and safe entities to invest in. It’s why you’re seeing social media users talking about them all over facebook, twitter, youtube, instagram, and tiktok.
As a blockchain-based project, Living Lands aims to help investors grow their income by offering attractive features on the project that promotes organic and secure returns on investment yearly. They do this by leveraging high returns in real estate investments and providing valuable yearly income guaranteed to all their investors from the get-go.
The Living Lands project is all set to revolutionize the world of NFT as we now know it into something of real beneficial value for future generations.
Is Living Lands NFT a good option?
Living Land is unmistakable in its attempt to revolutionize the idea of NFT ownership and is on its way to becoming the leader in creating the first-ever NFT project that provides yearly yields to its investors.
Apart from real estate, there’s also the option for Bitcoin mining, which many investors are interested in. With anticipation for similar projects to ultimately face a downward trend, Living Lands is looking to remove all junk projects and help investors choose the one that has real value in the real world.
While all deposits made in Living Lands get transferred automatically to the Living Lands fund, the project aims to help it grow in tandem with the crypto market so that all trends experience a positive impact.
At the same time, rewards and dividends are distributed every year to all the staked wallets that have Living Lands NFTs with a meager transaction fee of 2%. This amount is also deposited directly into a pool for the rewards, so it’s like putting the money back for bonuses later in the year.
You don’t have to deal with any invaluable or useless tokens because Living Lands only deal with the most popular and widely used cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, USDT, Bitcoin, and MATIC.
How the Living Lands NFT project plans to tackle market crashes:
There are a few contingency plans set in place in case of the worst-case scenario. These are mentioned below:
In case of a Bitcoin market crash
Since the marketplace of cryptocurrencies or any digital asset, in that case, is very unstable, the likeliness of a Bitcoin market crash is a high possibility. In such a situation, Living Lands is prepared to convert the Bitcoin funds to other stable coins and enter the market once again as precious tokens.
Re-entering the market as a more stable coin and potentially at a better value and price, there will be no investors’ loss of assets or funds.
Additionally, Living Lands NFT is ready with a re-optimization system that will help restructure the mining units so that the highest possible daily yield is supported.
Even if the Bitcoin mining activities do not generate any income, as a worst-case scenario, Living Lands will be able to cover up to 25% of the yearly staking yield after completing all the real estate housing developments.
In case of a housing market crash
Suppose the housing market is growing through a downward trend due to wildly out of your control circumstances. In that case, Living Lands already has a strategy to leverage all the properties they hold in the real estate markets to pay the investors what they deserve.
The real estate properties under Living Lands NFT consist of establishments like multi-family living complexes and community housing. As rightful owners of these properties, Living Lands will be able to generate all the funds they need to deposit the yearly returns to all their investors despite a crash in the market.
In case of a Blockchain network fail
Living Lands currently runs via Polygon. However, in case of a crash, the team is ready to rewrite all the smart contracts they have already built on an alternative and new blockchain in case of a blockchain failure.
After this, they will be able to airdrop a whole new set of NFT collections for all the NFT holders from the previous project.
The new blockchain will feature all the exciting features of the previous one, including the possibility for investors to burn their NFTs if they prefer to do so for the initial mint price. Or else, they can also continue their stakes similarly even on the new blockchain.
Final thoughts on Living Lands NFT and how to navigate an unstable market
Despite all the challenges that the crypto world faces, it is steadily growing in interest for many people. Especially given that technology advancement is on the rise like never before, many notable leaders are now finding digital assets as essential as physical assets and money.
Additionally, the security of the new digital assets such as NFTs makes it more appealing for investors to dive into the crypto world and start investing in NFTS.
The market is unstable, so investing in digital assets is not for people with faint hearts. It requires some faith in the market as well as the willpower to make investments in something that you don’t know will return to you or not.
Living Lands NFT is certainly an NFT project you should be looking into. Their innovative approach in creating the first-ever NFT project that provides yearly yields is something worth watching.
If you’re interested in the project, visit their site and socials here: https://linktr.ee/livinglandsnft