If you are just starting out in the health and wellness industry or a beginner as a professional fitness instructor, you often need someone to hold your hand as you go. Unfortunately, it is sometimes hard to find a person willing to walk the journey with you. However, you can still look around to find someone that mentors you, directly or indirectly, to become the best version of yourself. We sat down with Molly Buster and had a nice chat about fitness, mentoring, and how you can improve your life through fitness and wellness.
Molly Buster’s techniques will come in handy to help you as a professional trainer and a health and wellness coach.
Who Is Molly Buster?
Molly Buster is a professional trainer and health and wellness coach. The 30-year-old professional hails and works in Kansas and has called the heights of professional coaching in the last seven years. Buster started out as a professional dancer but found herself drifting towards professional training and health and wellness.
Buster’s passion for health and wellness has seen her work with more than 10,000 clients, become a mentor and teacher within her club, train a team of trainers as a fitness manager, and run the training department as a personal training manager.
Since 2020, Molly Buster has been the owner of Molly Buster Coaching, which is an online fitness business. She aims to help her clients achieve their health and wellness goals. She says that she is driven by the need to make her clients feel like health and fitness are accessible and attainable.
The business was born at the height of the Covid 19 pandemic when Buster realized that her position in the company she worked for did not align with their goals as an individual or as a health and wellness professional. She wanted to incorporate her values into the system instead of having to work with rigid structures that sometimes didn’t fit her clients.
Professional Accomplishments
Since joining college, Buster has worked on adding professional certifications to her portfolio. Here are the accomplishments she has achieved so far:
• BFA in Dance
• Tier 3+ Personal Trainer (Equinox)
• Fitness Manager (Equinox)
• Personal Training Manager (Equinox)
Molly Buster continues to strive to become the best version she can be for her clients and for herself.
Molly Buster On Her Creative Process
As a professional who has worked with thousands of clients, Buster says that the best way to get results in training is through specific programming. She says that it is one of her favorite things to do every time she has a new client. Here are the questions she asks herself when creating a program for a client:
• How can we efficiently tackle this client’s goal while simultaneously helping them feel and move better?
• And importantly, how can I make all of this feel manageable and doable for them so they can continue it?
Molly Buster likes to approach this issue as a big math problem. She considers her client’s goals, preconceived beliefs, health history, and injuries. She matches these with the needs she has identified and her professional expertise to come up with a unique program for each client.
Buster says that all this information helps her identify the most important, urgent, and biggest dial movers to start with the client. It becomes the foundation where she and the client can build off of it for months or years to avoid the plateaus or expand as the goals change.
Any Myths in the Profession?
Like any other profession, the health and fitness profession has myths directed at it. Buster says that the most common myth is that health and fitness professionals are picture perfect and don’t struggle with their health and wellness. This is what she has to say about this myth:
“We are human, and I do not know a single trainer who has not gone through periods of hardship and low motivation. We too have times where we need accountability, support, and even coaches.”
Buster further comments that even as a professional coach and health and wellness trainer, she has personal fitness goals she has to achieve. Sometimes, she has to hire a trainer for herself or consult with other experts in the industry to help her achieve her goals.
Most Important Tools of Trade
Buster says that professional trainer and health and wellness coach has to use all their tools whenever they are needed. She, however, says that with her online business, the Rogue War Bar is one of her personal favorites. It is a weightless bar that has the markings for the hand positions of a barbell. It allows in-person clients to practice barbell techniques without weight and allows her to do demo barbell movements in her office in virtual sessions and video demos.
Any Advice for Budding Professionals?
Buster has this to say to beginners in the industry:
“No one expects you to have all the answers, not even your clients. Many new trainers feel like they need to know everything and be quipped to train anyone, an impossible task. It is perfectly acceptable to say, “I don’t know, but I will find out,” refer a client to a more equipped trainer or use these experiences to take on a mentor to help you grow to be the trainer your client needs. We all started as green trainers. Acknowledging we don’t have all the answers helps us seek the education when need to become great ones.”