Bulgarian-born Branimir Aleksandrov, musically known as D’ISCO, has created a unique soundscape drawn from his rich and storied background. Leaving behind the quaint charm of Dulovo for the hustle and bustle of Sofia and eventually migrating to the United States, D’ISCO’s life journey is reflected in the rhythmic and melodic ebb and flow of his music.
The resumption of his long-abandoned fascination with electronic music was as fortuitous as it was unexpected. Unearthing old tapes during a trip back to Bulgaria in 2019, D’ISCO found himself immersed in long-forgotten ideas and riffs. Dredged up from his past, these outdated recordings presented an amalgamation of promise and regret. Despite leading a busy American lifestyle filled with career demands and an impressive Air BnB venture, D’ISCO felt the music’s pull.
Navigating the tumultuous ride of 2020, D’ISCO found himself with time to succumb to the musical prodigies he had shelved. Battling around technicalities of digital audio production proved to be as challenging as reacquainting with an art form he hadn’t indulged in for over twenty years. Yet, the music flowed out of him as if rehearsed and the culmination of a year-long process was an excellent track, aptly named “Mornings”.
A walk down memory lane brings back memories of his early foray into music. Entranced by a Def Leppard album at the tender age of 13, his fascination with guitar chords precipitated a journey of unending fascination with music, leading to the formation of a band named DULLO. Their enthusiasm, however, was met with materialistic challenges. The inability to secure equipment coupled with mandatory military duties saw DULLO’s demise.
The musical chronicles of D’ISCO don’t follow a straight path. Like life, it took unexpected turns, had false starts, and sometimes, paused. Today, D’ISCO’s music is a testimony of this journey. It’s an electronic yet unique and retrospective ballad; a Pink Floyd-esque track ornamented throughout with unique electronic timbres. Yet, it remains in a perennial state of evolution, always striving for more.
D’ISCO’s musical journey speaks volumes about his resilience and his voracious love for music. The message resonating from his story imparts a timeless lesson: you can always return to what you love, irrespective of your age or circumstances. Music has been his lodestar, and if he could collaborate with anyone, it would be the legendary Robert Miles.
Putting his re-found passion to work, D’ISCO is currently keeping himself busy working on several tracks and a video. The portrayal of New Orleans as it stirs awake is a project really close to D’ISCO’s heart, one that arose from the disturbing facet of city life he encountered during his morning recordings in the city.
This captivating artist can be followed on his social media handles like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. His captivating first single, “Mornings,” can be streamed on Ditto Music.
Ever mindful of the awe-inspiring transformation cities undergo each morning, he wants his listeners to envision their city’s awakening when they tune in to “Mornings”. Every city has its unique dawn-story to narrate, and D’ISCO simply provides the rhythm to their melody. His future tracks will undoubtedly pick more such threads from his nostalgic concatenation, weaving an enchanting tapestry of harmony and emotions that reverberate his musical ardor.