While fitness routines such as working out in the gym, home workouts, and dieting work for most people, some individuals like to indulge in other unique ways of working out. One of these unique ways is using gymnastic routines to stay fit. And before you dismiss this, there are professionals to guide you through the routines at your pace and ability. Danielle Gray is one such fitness professional.
Who Is Danielle Gray?
Gray is a 29-year-old gymnast fitness trainer who commits herself to help her clients achieve their fitness goals uniquely. She is a gymnast with years of experience, meaning that she understands the techniques well enough to teach them to other people. Gray is also an entrepreneur, a fitness model, and the founder of Train like a Gymnast. TLAG is a program for people who wish to become more fit through gymnastic routines.
Was It Always the Dream?
Gray says that she never imagined herself as a fitness trainer. She says,” Even 10 years ago, I didn’t even know I wanted to be or would end up a personal trainer or fitness model… At all. Over time, my career dreams have evolved from taxi driver (true story), teacher, architect, TV & film producer, publicist, event planner, to fitness figure who can create incredible life transformations for thousands.”
So how did she end up being a fitness trainer?
While Gray was not keen on fitness training as a professional, she has always used gymnastic fitness routines to keep herself fit. When she finished university, she got a desk job at an online marketing firm. She also got hired as a gym coach as a side hustle. At the gym, she practiced her gymnastics routines, and several people were impressed by her routines. They approached her and requested her to be their coach. Gray had already fallen in love with gymnastics, and she thought, why not. However, she needed to get herself certified. She enrolled for the NASM fitness exam and passed it. She has further acquired other professional qualifications such as:
- NASM Certified Personal Trainer
- Precision Nutrition L1 Certified
- Former T3+ Equinox Trainer
- Kettlebell L1 & 2 Certified
- Pre & Post-Natal Certified
- Functional Bodyweight Specialist
- Women’s Fitness Specialist
- Youth Exercise Specialist
For over 5 years, Gray has worked with clients from across the country and helped them with their fitness goals. This experience gives her the expert authority she needs to help more people with their fitness goals.
How Does Danielle Gray Work on Her Projects?
Gray says that she does not have a specific routine for working on her projects. Her mood depends on the energy around her because she is very intuitive. She has days when she can write paragraphs and others when she cannot even finish a single paragraph. On other days, she is quite talkative and prefers to record podcasts and attend interviews. On other days, she cannot manage to construct a single sentence. Gray states that she takes the most unusual route to get things done. She starts with the simplest tasks and finishes off with the more complex ones. Gray’s Productivity Hacks
Gray says that setting timers is a lifesaver in her work. She likes to work under pressure, so she sets deadlines for her projects and sets timers to help her complete tasks on time. Gray says that she gets hyper-focused when she is under pressure, which makes her super productive and improves her time management skills. She recommends that people set time for specific tasks and work within the timeframes to achieve the desired goals.
Where Does the Inspiration Come From?
According to Gray, inspiration should not be drawn from a single object, person, or event. Instead, people should draw inspiration from the different things and people in their lives. She says that she gets inspired by celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey and Beyoncé and learns from other industry professionals. She likes to learn from other people’s mistakes, and for her, inspiration is something she collects along the way as she goes.
Any Indispensable Tools?
Gray says that email or text lists are the essential tools in her job. She stores her client’s information and contacts on a database to help her retrieve them when she needs to. The database also comes in handy if she cannot access her clients on social media or if her website gets hacked. Gray observes that there is nothing as frustrating as not reaching her clients when she needs to.
Parting shot
Danielle Gray shares some wisdom with people who are starting in the industry. She says, “It’s important to establish one organically successful staple product or service that you offer in the fitness industry that sets you apart. From there, once you have an offering solidified that your clients and customers associate with you, then you can add in other offerings to not confuse your audience or create client paralysis by analysis with too many choices.”
You can reach Gray on her YouTube Channel, Facebook, and Instagram pages and her website. You can also contact her through her business website.