In the sprawling expanse of St. Louis, MO, amidst the gritty sounds of the Underground Midwest Rap scene, a unique artist has emerged that transcends conventional musical boundaries. Systovis, also known as Jacob Osseck, has surged forth as a tidal wave, crashing through genres and blending them in a harmonious symphony of sound and meaning.
This artist’s musical journey is an ode to limitless exploration. From the late 60’s and early 80’s rock, 90s country, to the 2000s HipHop scene, Systovis waded through myriad styles before immersing himself into the intriguing strains of Dubstep, House, and Electronic music. This eclectic blend served as an expansive canvas for him to nurture his passion for percussion.
His love affair with music has its roots in his childhood. As a kid, his rhythmic essence found expression on makeshift drum sets. With time, his musical prowess expanded, leading to impromptu freestyle sessions at high school parties, dabbling in beat-making, and a profound appreciation for the art of sound production.
When the world came to a standstill in 2020, Systovis looked beyond the crisis. The COVID-induced quarantine period became a fruitful hiatus for him, an impetus that accelerated his journey into professional music-making.
Systovis’ musical identity was shaped by the gritty realism and deep lyricism of the Underground Midwest Rap scene and the ethereal realm of Electronic music. Influenced by the likes of Yelawolf and Rittz, he delivers a unique blend of tracks featuring edgy rhyme schemes, interstellar bars, varying flows, and a sublime R&B smoothness. This soulful amalgamation resonates with sincerity and emotional depth, while his cleverly spun webs of words narrate tales or create chill vibes. Listen here
At its core, Systovis’s music transcends the boundaries of mere auditory enjoyment or entertainment. It carries with it a weighty mission, imbued with passion and intent. Each note, every lyric, and every beat is composed with the objective of provoking thought, fostering introspection, and inciting transformative change within the listener. Through his artistry, Systovis beckons his audience to embark on a journey of self-redefinition, urging them to recognize and cherish their unique essence, their intrinsic worth, and the boundless potential that lies within each individual.
He passionately advocates for the power every person holds to manifest their dreams and aspirations, emphasizing the necessity of unwavering diligence, resilience, and dedication even in the face of adversity or seemingly insurmountable challenges. His tracks, woven with rich tapestries of experiences and emotions, continuously echo an affirming and empowering mantra: we are not mere products of our past or prisoners of our previous choices. Instead, our past trials and tribulations can be transformed, serving as invaluable building blocks, foundational stones, on which we can construct a brighter, stronger, and more purposeful future.
Looking at the global socio-cultural landscape today, Systovis’s message strikes a chord. The world needs to embrace the uniqueness of every individual, acknowledge diversity, and encourage personal freedom and choice. This is the principle he hopes his music can inspire in others.
Planning to drop more music and collaborations with popular artists in the near future, Systovis is continually working to perfect his craft and engage his ever-growing fan base with alluring tracks that break the norm. He is set to follow his first studio album “Armageddon” with a suite of deeper, more lyrically complex works. Learn more here
Systovis’s journey is a mix of bright days and stormy nights. His early life was marked by stability and comfort, where the biggest challenges were often minor and manageable. However, as time went on, he faced steeper hills to climb. Dark periods, particularly his battle with depression, brought him face-to-face with some of life’s harshest realities. These experiences, the good and the bad, have deeply influenced his path and his passions.
These diverse chapters in his life story have not only molded his character but have also left a deep imprint on his music. His songs resonate with the emotions and lessons he’s picked up along the way. Through his art, he conveys messages of hope, resilience, and the importance of staying true to oneself.
More than anything, Systovis has learned the value of human connection. His personal struggles and triumphs have instilled in him a belief in the importance of understanding and accepting others. Everyone has a story, and he believes in listening to and valuing each one, regardless of differences in background or beliefs. In a world full of divisions, Systovis stands as an advocate for unity, compassion, and genuine human connection.
His transformation from Jacob Osseck to Systovis, or ‘Stovey,’ reflects this journey and the wisdom gained along the way. With popular tracks like “Shots on Me,” “Lockdown,” “Dead Prezzies,” and “Consequences,” Systovis is etching an indelible mark on the music scene, establishing himself as an artist that leaves no stone unturned, fearlessly exploring sound, style, and social commentary.
Visit Instagram, Youtube, Soundcloud, TikTok, Facebook, or his Website to experience the world from Systovis’ perspective, a unique spin on music and life tha is likely to leave you craving more. From one realm to another, Systovis is an artist worth keeping on your radar.